Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Beads, more beads, less beads, and bees update.

We had another get-together last night, it was the same as the last one except that we had more bracelets and less sales. I guess you can't sell to the same crowd twice. Oh well, at least we are stocking up. There is a fair we hope to sell some bracelets at this month but other than that it's been pretty slow with school starting up and all. We probably have at least 70 bracelets which is pretty good since we are gonna be busy with school. Gracie still continues to ask me "can I play a bees?" She has gotten really good actually, she is able to put really small beads on a string now and if I lay a pattern of beads out for her you would have never known that a three year old made it! I will post some pictures soon!

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